Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Legislation of this country...Better known best as the Constitution.

What is the Constitution? This might be the first question you as a reader might have...But I won't answer that for you right now. As you read on you will find it out by yourself.

Lets see... Does this picture help you? I hope it does... But bow I have an important question for you... Why do you think that paper known as the "Constitution" is in the middle of the American Flag?... Well, it is because the constitution is what legislates this country; I am not going to be that hard to understand! Lets say that the constitution is simply what rules the United States of America. Without it we would have no laws, and we would have been living in an UNORGANIZED country. How does that sound?

Now! Lets analyze this picture...Does this look good to you?
Does it not look like a mess for you?
What would you think if the USA was like this...Just a big mess...Would you like it? I do not think so...

Let's start with the basics...
  • The Constitution was written in Philadelphia...
  • The Articles of Confederation were trying to do what the constitution does now...But failed.
  • James Madison was the "Father" of the Constitution...
  • 39 Men Signed it in 1787 (A long time ago...)
The Preamble...

The preamble is the introduction to the constitution.
It was made to form a more perfect union, and it's goal is to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and of course secure the blessings of liberty.

The Constitution...

The constitution is divided by:
  • Articles-The major divisions.
  • Sections-Divisions of an article
  • Clauses- Divisions of a section

Article I- The Legislative Branch...

Section 1- A Congress...

A bicameral legislature means that there are two houses, a senate, and a house of representatives.

Section 2- House of Representatives

1. Clause 1- A representative serves a two year term.
2. Clause 2- Says that the qualifications for a person to be member of the house of representatives are:
  1. Has to be 35 years old
  2. Has to be a 7 year citizen of the US
  3. The person has to be a resident of the state is elected in...Who would not know that?!

3. Clause 3- The amount of representatives that each state will get is determined by the Population. --> This is something that everyone must know! *Note if you don't know this you might be put in jail!
House Officers - They are 108th Congress

Duties of the house's Officers:

Speaker of the house: Controls the discussions of the floor.
Majority Whip: Helps majority leader
Majority Leader: Serves as a watchdog over the majority party.

Section 3- The Senate

Clause 1- How is senator different from a member of the House Representatives?
A senator's term is 6 yrs.
Is 1 vote per senator and 2 senators per state (All of the states get the same amount)
Senators were originally chosen by state's legislatures, but today senators are chosen by direct election (17th Amendment)

Clause 3- Qualifications for a senator:

Must be 30 yrs old

2.Must be 9 yrs citizen of the United States

3.Be a resident of the state he/she is selected from...(Of course!)

Clause 4- The Vice-President can vote the senate is 50/50.

Clause 1- National elections are held the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday of November...

*Note: This is not all you need to know about the Constitution but It might help you in a good way if you know how to use it.